Steps to add Eli Review to iLearn
You need to create a course in Eli Review before starting these integration steps.
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You need to create a course in Eli Review before starting these integration steps.
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IMPORTANT: If you are receiving a clone, wait for instructions from the person giving you their Eli Course.
If you are creating or cloning courses in
SKIP the institution code. When you connect your course to iLearn, the institution code will be applied.
After you've completed the iLearn steps and you get the congrats screen for connecting iLearn to Eli, then in your Eli course, go to Settings and scroll down. The yellow star beside San Francisco State University indicates that the institution code has been applied and students will not be charged.
Click on this link to watch our August 17, 2020 Orientation video demonstrating how to connect iLearn with Eli Review.
This video will help you get started and answer some common getting started questions
How does Eli connect to iLearn?
How do you plan for Eli Review work in the course calendar?
How do you grade Eli Review work?
How do students enroll in Eli?
How do you design a simple review task?
How do you design a more complex review task?
IMPORTANT: Use one iLearn tab. Don’t have multiple iLearn/Eli courses open while doing these steps.
Click on the Settings wheel in the upper right corner of your iLearn course, and Turn On Editing.
Locate the Section where you want to add Eli Review, and choose Add an activity or resource from the button on the upper right.
Select External Tool and Add.
Title the activity, and from the preconfigured tool dropdown, select Eli Review.
Save and display.
Click to begin integration.
Click link in iLearn.
Select “Yes, I already have an Eli Review account.” or "No, I've never used Eli Review Before."
Click "Create this new course" or select "Did you already create this course in Eli Review?" and then select the course you previously created at from the table.
Close and Get Started in Eli Review.
Click “Launch Eli Review.”